Saturday, January 13, 2018

Blue Moon; The Big stories hunt us...

This year we start it off with something pretty special. A Blue Moon usually comes every 3 years, but this year we see two Blue Moons, both just within months of each other, a super moon, blood moon and an eclipse. Talk about kicking the year off with some real power!.

If looking at the blue moon from the perspective of the Medicine Wheel, it would be the thirteenth moon. During a full moon we see emergency rooms and women's shelters fill up, showing us that we are in fact influenced by cosmological events. It's fascinating to watch these influences unfold as we approach such an event.  There's no denying how apparent of an influence the moon has on us, however a Blue Moon is so much more impacting.

I've taken the time these past few weeks to look at the stories that have been coming to me, especially this past week. As we approach this first Blue Moon it seems that there is a collective theme taking place, the theme of being faced with our shadow. Friends and family are being faced with their illusions, addictions, and attitudes. Things that do not serve them but that they cling to as part of their identity.

The thirteen moon is a moon of initiation. Meant to push you, test you and challenge you. Blue Moon initiations are about the real issues in our lives, the bigger lessons that are awaiting us. What stories have been coming up for you, what lessons are you being asked to look at? You can be sure that these initiations will not be evaded.

This moon asks that we look at our selves, our stories and our issues that ask for resolve, growth and healing. There is an Aborigine saying that "the big stories hunt us".What stories have you been living, what lessons have been hunting you?  There are those who have been undergoing growth, facing issues and lessons as they approach and there are those who stubbornly hold fast to their egos, trying to evade the lessons that are close on their heels.
Watch for big lessons coming in with an impact, forcing you to take notice.
Its no wonder that the influences of this moon are bringing some people to their knees, humbling them with the intention that something has finally got to give.

Not only are we facing two Blue Moons, but an Eclipse! Pairing an eclipse with a Blue Moon means that we will be tested and challenged and will certainly be brought face to face with our shadow. What do you do when pushed and tested? What hidden shadow will surface looking for resolve? When we face what is there in our space we have to opportunity to gain wisdom, to touch the healing we need in our stories and to grow into our potential.
Bask in the energy of these Blue Moons, as this is a rare and powerful medicine.

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