It is time to bring back the lost art of
Dreaming and to bring back the importance to our Dreams and the guidance they
provide to us. To Dream, in Egyptian means "To Awaken." When we
awaken to our Dreams, we awaken to our Souls wishes and desires, to the idea we
live in a multidimensional universal and to the limitless possibilities of who
we are.
So often we discard our dreams thinking them to
contain the trivial events of our day or the stress and worries of events to
come. However, dreams bring us so much more! They are prompting us to take
notice that we may be out of balance or at risk of potential illness. Dreams
show us the healing that may still be required in our stories. They give us
glimpses of the future in dream premonitions. They offer us guidance on
decisions and choices needing to be made. Dreams bridge the gap between us and
the realm of our past loved ones. While dreaming we discover our guides and
dream allies. We awaken to who we really are, to our full potential, to our
I am often met with questions from people who can’t remember their dreams, asking what they can do or wondering why their dreams elude them. I borrow the term "Dream Drought" from Robert Moss. Dream drought can be brought on for numerous reasons. If we are not paying attention or giving our dreams importance then we can drift into drought. When we ignore our guides, or the messages coming from our dreams, again we are pushing our night dreams away.
I am often met with questions from people who can’t remember their dreams, asking what they can do or wondering why their dreams elude them. I borrow the term "Dream Drought" from Robert Moss. Dream drought can be brought on for numerous reasons. If we are not paying attention or giving our dreams importance then we can drift into drought. When we ignore our guides, or the messages coming from our dreams, again we are pushing our night dreams away.
I mentioned that dreaming is about awakening
our Soul’s wishes and desires our path and purpose. When we are going through
prolonged stress or have experienced a trauma, we may be thrust into dream
drought. This shows us that we are not present to what we are living, let alone
to seeing what the dreaming is showing us, ultimately we are not present to our
Souls. Trauma impacts our Souls in a particular way that may cause
fragmentation. This will no doubt bring on a drought.
To reawaken your Dreamers there are various
practices that you can adopt, depending on what has brought on your drought.
First, begin to give your dreams importance again, dedicate a dream journal to
this journey. Give your dreams space and time, even if it is just five minutes
when you first wake up. Write all and every snippet of a dream that you are
able to bring back, even the slightest of impressions or feeling. You will find
yourself surprised by how this can trigger more and more to come back until you
are actively dreaming again.
You may find that you are not able to bring
back even impressions or feelings. In this case, go back to the last dream that
you remember prior to the drought. You can go back as far as you need to, even
to a dream from childhood. Record the dream and begin to work with it looking
at what the dreaming was showing you. Returning to this dream may trigger
dreaming again, however it may require discipline, dedication and research to
fully explore your dream.
These are just a few efficient practices that will be beneficial to reawakening your Dreams and discovering the limitless possibilities of who you are!
These are just a few efficient practices that will be beneficial to reawakening your Dreams and discovering the limitless possibilities of who you are!
To further explore the lost art of dreaming and the guidance that our dreams provide, I invite you to join me on an ongoing dream journey. The Dream Circle is about coming together monthly to dream together. Each class will bring teachings and experiences to build upon your dreaming skills. Shamanic Journeying, dream walking, lucid dreaming, soul retrieval, creative visualization and active dreaming. Classes are available both in person and online. Personal dream sessions can be booked via facebook, A Sacred Journey with Serena Winterburn.
It's time to awaken the Dreamers!
A Sacred Journey with Serena Winterburn
Monthly Dream classes and workshops
3228A Gibbins Rd, Duncan, Vancouver Island, B.C
Monthly Dream classes and workshops
3228A Gibbins Rd, Duncan, Vancouver Island, B.C