Thursday, November 23, 2017

Animal Spirit Guides

Spirit Animals, or Animal guides although similar to totems, are different. Keeping in mind that our totems are our kin, and are a part of us, Spirit animals and guides are outside of ourselves and are there to teach and guide us. In dreams and shamanic journeys we embark upon a journey to call in, or discover what animal spirit guides are there to travel with us. They come to us because they are drawn to our space, magnetized by our stories. It is no coincidence which guides present themselves as their medicine resonates with our stories, the growth and healing that may be required in our lives, and the lesson that are needed for the next part of our journey. 

When we go on a dream journey it is sometime necessary to call upon a guardian to walk with us. Other times we need to shape-shift depending on what the journey wants to show us. Shape shifting allows us to be able to expand upon the limitations of our humanity. Have you ever had a dream where you were flying? Or perhaps you found yourself falling from a cliff, or standing upon the edges of it. What possibilities would await you if you knew that you could take flight!

Sometimes in the dreaming we are faced with obstacles that bring us experiences that we are meant to face and go through. Perhaps these types of journeys are bringing the potential to heal a past trauma, or to face a debilitating fear that acts as an obstacle blocking us from moving forward in our lessons. It is a journey such as this that would require us to call upon a helper, an animal spirit guide. This guide brings us the reassurance of safety and protection in this space. It is just this type of guide that would be there to teach us something of ourselves. Nudging us to grow, adapt, and perhaps adopt characteristics from our guide. What characteristics may this helper possess that would bring the type of movement we need in our lives or for the healing we require?

If you would like to learn more about dreaming, animal spirit guides and animal totems, be sure to take a look at upcoming online workshops and dream classes. 

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