Friday, November 24, 2017

Soul Retrieval

Deep and meaningful experiences touch our Soul. The same can be said about experiences that bring hurt, pain, trauma, stress and abuse. In some sessions with my clients we journey back to parts of their stories that impacted their Soul, questing to bring back these parts. You see when we live experiences such as abuse there are parts of who we are that are unable to express themselves. Perhaps repression is the reality that they lived, or a sudden trauma that has literally jolted a piece of the soul free. Sometimes it is the lack of living with soul and meaning that can cause parts of our soul to fly. I often see clients who are not following their inner knowing, or their guidance and dreams. This too can cause parts of our soul to leave.
Are you seeing a pattern here? Our soul has desires and dreams, our soul has purpose, and when that soul is supressed, wounded, or not being honoured it causes parts to leave, or to be left behind.
We find ourselves feeling drained, disconnected, have fears that are bigger then us, we see parts of our personality left behind that we mourn and wonder why we cant access this part of who we used to be.
But we CAN.
Sometimes we journey back, beyond our childhood, beyond this lifetime to lives we have lived previously. In one session with a client we returned to a life where she mourned deeply for the sudden loss of her husband. Her soul couldn't understand how he had left her and the pain was too great. She left part of herself there, in a sort of purgatory. It took us exploring, asking her some questions and helping her move beyond that moment to bring that part of soul back home, to the hear and now.
There are many different reasons for soul loss to occur, but we can welcome back those parts of self to move us towards wholeness.

If you are interested in a personal Soul Retrieval session or about upcoming Soul Retrieval online workshops, be sure to check out upcoming events or contact me to book your session.


  1. This is beautifully written and so informative. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Jane. I hope that you are enjoying my blog. Im thrilled to finally have found a way to share my thoughts, experiences and the many teachings that I have had the honor of learning from many teachers and guides over the past 18 years.
